Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Vote McCain, Get a 25% Chance of President Palin

Now, for something from the "worth considering" department: According to the Associated Press, actuaries have determined that John McCain has a 25% chance of not surviving a second term in office, should he win the presidency on Nov. 4. 



Anonymous said...

I doubt McCain would seek a second term and my guess is that Plain would have a 0% chance of winning on her own.

Anonymous said...

Second term? I'm not sure he would make it through a first term. I'm starting to think that the TV show with Geena Davis as a VP who become President was foreshadowing this election. But, that show was taken off the air because of ratings. We won't have that option if McCain/Palin make it in to office.

Anonymous said...

Really? I guess lying is good for your health.

Anonymous said...

i believe john has said he would only seek one term...and i doubt that sarah won't drug his metamucil and take over the world long before that first term is over.....yikes

Citizen said...

Many doubt that McCain would seek a second term but has he ever stated specifically that he wouldn't?

Even if he did, could his word be trusted with all the other "core principles" he has shamelessly compromised in order to pacify the angry right and win the nomination after being Roved out of it in 2000?