And, truth be told, I'd rather focus on the present and the future than get caught up in past battles. But the more I see the headlines today and really think about what happened, the angrier I get.
That's because no matter how many different angles I employ to analyze the situation, I can't help but come to the same conclusion: Bush, Cheney and the GOP not only badly mishandled 9/11 and its aftermath, but added insult to injury by shamelessly exploiting the horrific deaths of 3,000 people for their own grubby political gains.
First and foremost — and a fact that seems to constantly get lost in this debate — Bush knew what was coming and failed to stop it. Eight years ago, in August 2001, he began his day with a briefing titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US." The briefing went into detail about Al Qaeda wanting to hijack commercial aircraft to attack US targets. The CIA and FBI were standing on second base stealing the catcher's signs, telling the president to expect the fastball. But instead of taking a swing, Bush and Cheney struck out looking. That's a fact.
So how did they redeem themselves? Instead of focusing all of our military and diplomatic efforts on finishing the job of finding Osama bin Laden and crushing Al Qaeda where it was headquartered — in Afghanistan and Pakistan — Bush and Cheney invaded Iraq, which, despite being one of many reprehensible totalitarian regimes in the world at that time, had nothing to do with 9/11 and was not a state sponsor of Al Qaeda.
And instead of doing everything possible to protect the homeland from further attacks, the government under Bush and Cheney diverted millions in Homeland Security funds to protect tiny towns in Kentucky and other rural, Republican, Christian strongholds that should have been fortifying actual terrorist targets in godless, Democratic New York and other big cities. As a result, our ports, chemical plants and nuclear power plants lack the protection they need. My family and millions of others are at risk because of this. That makes me very, very angry. With real anger, not the faux froth that Republican operatives posing as ordinary citizens are using to quash reasoned communication and debate at health care town hall meetings.
Indeed, the examples I cite here are all facts, not fake, outrageous rhetoric that gets dreamed up at RNC headquarters and parroted to an anxious country by the reprehensible, hateful little maggots at Fox News for the purpose of stirring up anger and resentment for political purposes (and for rating$, let's not forget). Click the links in each of the above examples and read for yourself (or don't, if you'd rather just believe what you want to believe).
I'm not normally given to angry rants. But I was in New York City on 9/11. I knew people who perished in the World Trade Center. Other friends and business associates narrowly escaped. I watched one of the buildings collapse with my own eyes. I lived close enough to Ground Zero to see the smoke rising from the site and inhale the sickening smell of death for weeks following the attack. It took about a year before I could see a shabby-looking guy wearing a backpack on the subway without my pulse quickening and my stomach getting a bit queasy. And to this day, eight years later, I still commute to New York City. And I still wonder what's going on behind the scenes when, on some days, the cops at the PATH station or on the streets of the financial district are suddenly brandishing assault rifles, or national guardsmen turn up, when they weren't the day before.
It was bad enough for all these years to see and hear 9/11 constantly invoked as a political weapon by the very people who so badly mishandled the attacks and their aftermath. And I can only imagine how the families of 9/11 victims felt. But now I know for a fact that my president and his minions shamefully exploited our sorrow — and exacerbated our fear with their public warnings — with no basis other than their own grubby desire to remain in power.
How could they? And followers of Christ, these people? Where was their sense of basic human decency? Shame, shame, shame.
1 comment:
Can I get an AMEM to all o' that?!
BTW I think Jesus would be pissed to see who speaks in his name and what those people have done to his message. Don't look in church for the good folks - they are too busy changing the world to be there.
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