He doesn't wear a flag pin.
Is he an Islamocommufascist terrorist?
Do we know the REAL John McCain?
Can we risk putting such a man in the White House, as commander in chief of our noble troops that are in harm's way around the world?
Well, of course we can. John McCain loves his country. I know that and so do you. We may disagree on whether he's the best man for the job but his basic patriotism and desire to do right by his country and its citizens is not in question.
My point here, as some of you probably have figured out by now, is that using paranoid innuendo to smear someone for what he wears or doesn't wear, how he looks or who he may have had tenuous associations with is no way to help citizens decide whether that person is qualified to lead us. As the McCain campaign recognizes that it appears headed for defeat on November 4 it has turned increasingly to irresponsible smears of Senator Barack Obama — from surrogates using his middle name to silly chain emails that keep repeating the same demonstrably false claims: that he is a Muslim who was sworn in to the Senate with his hand on the Koran and refuses to say the Pledge of Allegiance or wear an American flag lapel pin.
Serious citizens should recognize this trash for what it is, and demand better of our candidates.
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