Friday, September 26, 2008

A Rare McCain Interview

Thanks to a Citizen in Maine for passing along this link to an interview with John McCain by a local TV news anchor there. 

I'll mostly let you all judge his statements for yourselves, but I thought the two most interesting lines were:

1. The interviewer asks what qualifications Sarah Palin has to help McCain fight what he has defined as the world's foremost challenge: Islamic extremism. To paraphrase McCain: "Hey, can we talk about the economy instead?" Hope he does better than that if he decides to show for the foreign-policy-bee in Mississippi tonight. 

2. McCain on his running mate: "She knows probably more about energy than anybody else in the United States of America." 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The bottom line on both of them ( McCain and Palin) is that they are foolish. I do not want any more foolish leadership.