I created Citizen because I believe that many of the United States' problems stem from an ill-informed, disengaged general populace. Our system of government only works when we fulfill our duties as citizens — by staying current on the news, forming opinions on events and issues and making our voices heard to our elected representatives. Absent this engagement our leaders will pursue policy that takes us down the wrong path — and who can blame them?
I sincerely hope that Citizen will become a place where people can not only express their opinions about public affairs but also add to the sum total of knowledge, and perhaps even wisdom, that we all must pursue to truly fulfill our obligation to those who created our constitution and founded this great country, the United States of America. I'll be posting my thoughts, hopefully on something of a regular basis as work and family obligations permit, and encourage all visitors to do the same. I don't expect Citizen to be completely above partisanship, and certainly my own posts are likely to be rather, um, passionate from time to time. But I do expect that it will be above pettiness, bickering and personal attacks. One rule of thumb I hope everyone will aspire to follow: instead of trying to win political points, strive to provide insight and work toward solutions. We are all Americans and we owe one another our best. Let's make it fun, but not mean-spirited. I think we're all getting very tired of that.
Thanks, and please come back often.
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