I happen to think the argument is specious. But we are blessed to live in a free country. So, let's say you believe it. It follows that McCain and Palin should be subject to the same kind of examination and guilt by association. So, what about Palin's connections to the Alaska Independence Party, which has advocated violent secession from the United States? Here's a quick rundown:
• Palin and her husband were once members of the party, whose founder, Joe Vogler, has said he hates the US government and in 1983 convinced the government of Iran to use its United Nations membership to give him a forum for urging the UN to support Alaska's secession from the US. Todd Palin belonged to the AIP for seven years.
• Palin helped engineer her election as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, through the support of a local member of the AIP whose nickname around town was "Black Helicopter Steve" because of the cache of weapons he kept to stave off U.S. troops, whom he was convinced would strike at any moment to impose the dreaded "New World Order."
• After being elected Mayor, Palin appointed Black Helicopter Steve to the city council.
• As a gubernatorial candidate in 2006, Palin appeared at the AIP state convention.
• Palin ended a videotaped address to the AIP earlier this year by saying "keep up the good work, and God bless you."
Now let's turn to some of Senator McCain's associations. In 1987 he tried to persuade federal regulators to lay off his pal Charles Keating, head of Lincoln Savings and Loan, which collapsed two years later amid a tsunami of bad loans, costing taxpayers $3 billion, bankrupting untold widows and orphans and helping trigger the wider savings-and-loan bailout that cost you and me $125 billion.
Senator McNasty also served on the board of the US Council for World Freedom. One of this group's particularly paranoid anti-Semitic members in 1985 accused Jews of milking the Holocaust for sympathy and has suggested that a small coterie of Jewish financiers and business leaders control the entire world.
The McCain-Palin ticket's associations arguably make them look a lot more anti-American than do Obama's.
To me their rhetoric feels a lot like people who stridently oppose keeping abortion legal because of their "respect for life" yet feel no compunction whatsoever at extinguishing life via the death penalty or preemptively invading a sovereign nation that did us no harm and killing tens of thousands of its citizens. They're not pro-life, they're pro-some-lives-over-other-lives. McCain and Palin are being just as hypocritical by dwelling almost constantly in their campaign appearances on the supposed ghosts in Obama's attic. Somewhere George Orwell is having a good chuckle.
I can't wait to see what happens if McCain is man enough to bring up all this nonsense in Wednesday's debate.
I agree with you totally, but this nonsense wins elections b/c those who hate the northeastern elite (in other words, well- educated, well traveled,smart people who do not pack heat to the grocery store) will believe it lock stock and semi-automatic barrel.
AHHH rednecks! Like I said earlier, I am waiting to exhale.
I think we're all missing the point here. It's going to happen. McCain Palin are on their way to being the next leaders of our country and no amount of bellyaching is going to change that.
Why do I say that, especially in light of the fact that I support Obama? Because all we have is our vote to enact change. Unfortunately that vote is counted by electronic voting systems that are owned, and protected, by corporations friendly to the GOP.
If you don't believe it, then head on over to your local Borders or Barnes & Noble and look for this book.
If you'd rather not read a bunch of statistical analysis of how our vote is being subverted, and rather watch a video, try this.
Lastly, this is an incredible resource for learning all about the shady happenings in the world of electronic and other types of voting fraud.
The last two presidential elections were stolen. I am afraid that this one will be too. When it happens, be prepared to hear a lot about the Bradley Effect.
This will be similar to the "values voters" that supposedly pushed Bush over the top in the 2004 election.
Before you head out to vote, take a look at this site to learn which machine your vote will be cast.
Then take a look at this site to see where there are court cases pending about the use of electronic voting machines. Do these states have something in common?
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