Friday, October 17, 2008

Shoeless Joe

Is anyone surprised that the real Joe "the Plumber" Wurzelbacher bears little resemblance to the mythological "Joe the Plumber" that John McCain attempted to wield as a desperate, gimmicky bludgeon during his debate Wednesday night against Barack Obama?

Turns out ol' Joe is not a licensed plumber, is in no position to buy the company he works for, makes about $40,000 a year and appears to be a registered Republican. He doesn't want the tax cut that Obama plans to give him, even though it would help him make good on his delinquent Ohio property tax bill, and — naturally — is a fan of Sarah Palin. Read all about it in the Toledo Blade — which, incidentally, is one of the country's best newspapers. 

While Joe doesn't appear to have been an outright Republican plant, as my gut told me yesterday might have been the case, the dirty tricksters in McCain's campaign certainly glommed on to him, embellished his story and thought no one would call them on it. These guys and gals have been purveying pitiful prevarication so successfully for so long that they're getting sloppy and complacent. They're not getting away with it anymore. And that's a good thing for citizens everywhere. 


Anonymous said...

I wish the Citizen would spend as much time exposing Barry Hussein Obama's resume as he does on Joe the phony plumber. And how about all the hot air on Palin's experience? Is "I cant decide what to call myself" or "what religion do I believe" in Obama more qualified? A Senator who has been campaigning for half his term? No military experience to be the commander in chief? America is about to elect the most unqualified candidate in modern history to the leader of the free world. A man whose background is as troubling as his weak resume. An admitted one time coke head whose entire life is wrought with bad decisions. Coke, Ayers, Rev. Wright, Michele Obama (are you friggin kidding me!), Joe Biden, siding with the Dems who refused to reform Freddie and Fannie, bad decision after another! I hope you have fun! When Al Qaeda explodes a Nuclear device you'll remember what Thomas Paine Reloaded told you.

Anonymous said...

Let's focus on the real threat here.

Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, who can string together... purveying pitiful prevarication... should be under investigation.

Citizen said...

To anonymous/ThomasPaineReloaded:

Wow. So much anger and so little reason.

Let's see about some of these wild claims.

What exactly is the "hot air about Palin's experience?" More specifically, why is she qualified to be a heartbeat from the presidency?

What do you mean by "I can'd decide what to call myself" when referring to Obama?

"What religion do I believe?" Well, I think the factis that Obama is a Christian and has been for many, many years. So I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

"A Senator who has been campaigning for half his term?" Abraham Lincoln, the founder of the modern Republican party and by most historians' accounts our greatest president, was elected to the US Senate in 1858, just two years before winning the 1860 presidential election. Sorry, try again.

"No military experience to be the commander in chief?" Hmmm. By this reasoning you probably voted for Gore and Kerry over George W. Bush, right? OK,then.

"Coke head?" I read Obama's book, the one in which he refers to occasional cocaine use. He was far from a "coke head." Having spent some time with ThomasPaineReloaded in college, I would think he'd be a bit more understanding about young people's limited experimentation with mind-altering substances.

If we are to disqualify Obama from serving his country because of his limited association with William Ayres, certainly Sarah Palin should also be disqualified for her far closer association with the secessionist, America-hating Alaska Independence Party.

Rev. Wright is definitely a thornier one. I think Obama chose to overlook Wright's worst attributes and statements because he knew that belonging to wright's church would help him politically. But I am satisfied with Obama's response -- many, many months ago, I might add -- to this controversy. Much of the rest of the electorate seems to feel the same. Even McCain has declared Wright off limits.

"Michele Obama (are you friggin kidding me!)" - I can't wait to hear the explanation for this one. It doesn't make any sense. What's your beef with Mrs. Obama?

Joe Biden? Dunno, seems like a far better choice to me than Palin.

Fannie and Freddie? Dems and Republicans are guilty for letting them get far too big and unfairly compete with the private sector. The lobbying firm owned by McCain's campaign manager was on Freddie's payroll for huge bucks until only a month or so ago. Come on.

Al Qaeda exploding a nuclear device? Please. Every day I walk to work on Church Street in Manhattan and see a bit of graffiti on a street sign. It is pointing across the street to Ground Zero. It says "unsolved crime scene." Osama is still out there, because the Bush-Cheney Republicans chose to invade Iraq rather than continue the fight against Al Qaeda.

I know it's frustrating to see the candidate you support crash and burn but you'd do far better when expressing your views on this blog to do a bit of research and try to string together something that resembles a reasoned argument and not just an angry diatribe.

Anonymous said...

YES! I got you all heated up. Yes, I use the Clintonian/Carvellian tactics of absurdity to ask the simple question of how is Obama any more qualified to be president than Gov. Palin who is NOT running for President. Obama is all talk and his resume is very light. He is a Cult of Personality. And as a free thinking adult, I choose not to be influenced by a media network that is 80% left leaning. I just asked others to do the same.

As a Senator he is 1 of 100 whose decisions are influenced by how he fits into that scheme of 100. A governor has a cabinet, various departments to oversee, and the State Police and National Guard. Lot's of major decisions are made daily as a Governor. Sure it's Alaska, I know what all you Blue staters think, but its no less complicated than Arkansas. What has Obama done in the Senate that has had a big impact on American domestic and foreign policy? He is a junior Senator in the 21st century who has not even completed a term and has been absent more than present. He only votes when convenient and guess what...the real world doesn't work on what's convenient.

The Lincoln comparisson is ridiculous. This is not the 19th century when a lawyer could get a degree by reading books underneath ye ole oak tree. Also my dear friend Lincoln lost the 1858 Senate bid. Please check your history. Remember your Democratic friends went so crazy when Lincoln got elected President that they decided to break away from the union, and cause that fiasco called the Civil War.

Poking fun at Barack's slip ups only prove he is human and not the deity that all of you Kool Aid drinkers think that he is. He also said in a speech that he enjoyed visiting the "lower 57" states. Hmmm last I checked there were 48 lower states. But a Palin joke about Russia get's twisted into her being a dope. The leftest media is so slick! George Stephanopolus did have to correct him in an interview when he said, "my Muslim faith", and remind him that he is christian. Funny that he needs someone to remind him what faith he is. Personally I don't care but they have made such an effort to tell the world how Christian he is that it just seems phony. He joined a church for political gain..that's an example of good character. He also has gone by Barry and likes to hide his middle name, which is Hussein. So I was just poking fun at his own identity issues.

I expect more from the Citizen than blogs on Joe the Plummer and does McCain and Palin wish harm on Obama. This is just a distraction from the issues. Obama's tax plan is flawed and will effect business owners (the greatest creators of jobs). 35% of the nation does not pay taxes and "spreading it around" is not something Americans when thinking clearly agree with. His military strategy and his defense policies are very troubling. His strategy to get out of Iraq has been ripped apart by most military experts and even his Democratic opponents. It was McCain who drove the Surge strategy which has worked. Asked the guys who are there now? I have and they will tell you the real deal. Why won't you discuss these issues.

By the way Bush did fly Jet interceptors you can it. Shame you still can't admit the truth on such a topic.

Yes he did use Coke, pot and booze and I wouldn't care if the left didn't make such an issue out of GW's past. You couldn't turn the channel in 2004 without a lefty pundit talking about Bush's alleged coke problem. CNN scrolled it along the bottom for weeks. But questioning Barry's background...that would be a sin. How dare I ask questions about the almighty B. Hussein Obama. By the way...Now you listen to me...I'm only going to say this one time...I did not smoke pot with that woman Ms....I'm not running for president so who cares what I did.

Sorry, Michele Obama is a loose cannon. That is why they have moved her to the background. Someone who says that "for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.” Seriously...this is a stupid comment and I'm not going to even waste time backing it up with the thousands of examples. America since 1980 has been a much better place for every American compared to the years before. She has very radical views and has some serious issues with this country and its government.

If you went into a church every Sunday and the Rev. talked of hate and nonsense you would leave right? Barry didn't so this stinks like BS. And your response is an example of the leftest indifference that I am pointing out. It is a character issue.

Joe Biden started throwing his foot in his mouth every two seconds so they stuffed him in the background. Face it. He brings nothing to the table.

Mr. Paine provided you with detailed history of the Freddie and Fannie melt down. Face it...this has Barney Frank, Sen Schummer and other usual suspects all over it. I have done the should too!

When you cut in run in Iraq and everywhere else, that Nuclear device will be a lot closer to being in the hands of Al Qaeda. Read some of the books on US intelligence in the ME. We are there for several reasons. Main reason is to bring the fight to Al Qaeda. Doing so strategically puts them on the defensive not the OFFENSIVE. Trying to find Osama in the mountains of Pakistan is something old Billy Boy couldn't do either. And if your Boy Bill would have done his job right he would have taken him out after an attack on a US warship. Fact is Citizen we have not had an attack on US soil since 2001. I'm glad you all feel safe again. Bush is to be credited for that. Hope Barry can do the same if he gets in. Somehow I just don't think its going to happen. Rememeber don't be so over confident. Carter was up 8 points on Reagan at this point in 1980. Gore was up over Bush in 2000, and Kerry was up over Bush in 2004. When people start to really THINK about what they are about to get they will say Yes...Thomas Paine reloaded told us so...

Please write more blogs that are of substance and grounded in good political theory and debate. Going after Madonna or attacking McCain cause he can't use a computer is just cheap and low. Just like my comments...

Citizen said...

It's clear that ThomasPaineReloaded and I will once again have to agree to disagree. Just some quick responses:

First, I'm not convinced by your arguments about drug use and Michele Obama's supposed radical views. One statement taken out of context does not an identity make. When I hear someone try to back up an assertion by saying "I'm not going to even waste time backing it up with the thousands of examples," I wonder whether those examples truly exist.

Secondly, I never said, nor do I believe, that Obama is a deity. Nor am I drinking any "Kool Aid," as you suggest. I know that Obama, like all people and especially all politicians, is a flawed man. A sinner, some might say. But on balance I view his strengths as outweighing his shortcomings. And I view him as superior to McCain as a presidential candidate.

Next, a mea culpa: A guy with two history degrees should know that Lincoln lost to Douglas in 1858. Sorry for the slip-up. However, the fact that Lincoln's government experience prior to becoming president consisted of some time in the Illinois state legislature and one two-year term in the US House of Representatives only strengthens the comparison with Obama. Yes, the world has changed immensely since then but Lincoln rose from being a humble lawyer, largely through the skill of his intellect and oratory, to be the greatest leader in our history, and perhaps the world's.

Yes, governors and mayors are executives who make decisions, and that does provide some grounding for the kinds of decisions a president is faced with. Yes, Obama is a junior US senator who indeed has spent most of his time in the Senate campaigning for president. We can debate what's wrong with the presidential election process another time, but consider this: The simple act of being a serious candidate for president of the United States, and winning a major-party nomination, does impart some qualification on the candidate. You may ridicule this by saying "Oh, so running for president makes you qualified? Bah!" And there is some appeal to that argument. But the fact is Obama likely had the presidency in his sights at least as far back as his 2004 Democratic National Convention speech. Obama for many years has been evaluating the world and painstakingly staking out his positions on every issue of import to Americans. And his experience as a community organizer in a desperately poor area of Chicago, no matter how much Rudy Giuliani and other GOP juveniles choose to ridicule it, gave Obama an understanding of what it is like to be an ordinary, hardworking citizen that is trying to overcome long odds against success. As a US Senator he has had to consider matters of national and international significance, not merely state and local ones. He has been successfully vetted by a big portion of the electorate. Do I wish he had more hands-on experience? Hell yes. But I am confident, based on what I have seen and heard from him for the better part of two years now, that he is qualified to lead us. Our former Secretary of State, Gen. Powell, a man of far more experience with and knowledge of the Oval Office and the international stage than either you or I, is also confident in Senator Obama's ability to lead us, which is why he endorsed Obama over his fellow Republican, John McCain.

Again, we in all likelihood will never agree on most of these issues. But generally speaking, when the strongest argument in favor of a candidate is that the other guy is supposedly a scoundrel, I get very suspicious about that candidate.

Anonymous said...

I'd just like to clarify...

when anonymous says "I choose not to be influenced by a media network that is 80% left leaning. I just asked others to do the same." ...

I feel it's important to know who really owns the media that is supposedly "liberal".

I think it's safe to say that ownership of the media outlets plays a roll in what is reported and these companies don't seem to be 80% liberal to me.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is as desperate sounding as the GOP ticket. Win or lose, his attitude is why America stays divided. We are all in this together.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous:
Have fun in the psuedo-saftey of your us vs. them bubble.
I hope it does not come to pass that you have opportunity to see how flawed (and small minded) that mentality is. For is McCain is pres, we will see its aftershocks.
Furthermore, sorry if my elitest attitude offends you but we do not have time to be stupid, simply to make the small-minded feel better about themselves.
There are problems to solve.
If McCain is elected you will see. It will continue and we will flounder and moral will never be lower. We cannot live divided any longer and this ticket will simply perpetuate that. It is based on the us vs them mentality and the us and the them change depending on the situation. Dems vs Reps, blacks vs whites, red vs blue....i for one am tired of having the real enemy win b/c the team we are all supposed to be on cannot get out of its own damn way!
Bottom line
Obama is simply smarter and more thoughtful, insightful, curious, reflective and circumspect. He feels in for the long haul. He is more long-term smart, not impetuous and forceful. He has a more divergent thinking pattern and has more varied life experiences to inform his thoughts. He understands the subtleties, the nuances the grays, not just the blacks and whites (no pun intended). Conversely, I think
McCain just wants to BE president. He wants to have won the election.
I do not think he actually wants the works that comes with it. Nor do I think he has the demeanor to do it well. Of all the things he is like Bush on, temperment and motivation are the most obvious to me.
Forget policies , they are stubborn and prideful and those things have gotten us nowhere. Sorry Anonymous, you prolly are the same type of guy, but then I would not vote for you either.

Citizen said...

Folks, I'm grateful for the comments, but a quick reminder: please refrain from personal attacks on one another. I don't want to have to reject your comments.