Last night's debate isn't really worth commenting on. I think the candidates' performances speak for themselves.
I'm really incensed about something else: the McCain/Palin campaign's utterly reprehensible stirring up of racial antagonism, general hatred and even talk of murdering Barack Obama.
In my post yesterday I pointed out how the McCain campaign is resorting to irresponsible smears of Obama as a desperate, last-ditch attempt to salvage its vanishing election-day prospects. What I didn't know then was just how despicable the behavior that McCain and his running mate are prompting — and indeed, tolerating — on the part of their supporters.
Washington Post reporter Dana Milbank's coverage of Palin's Monday rally in Florida reveals that supporters in the crowd reacted to her media-bashing by "hurl(ing) obscenities at a camera crew. One Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a network and told him, "Sit down, boy."
Unfortunately, it gets worse. At another rally in Florida, Palin intimated that Obama thinks our troops in Afghanistan are nothing but baby killers — a blatant and irresponsible lie that elicited a cry of "treason!" from the audience. Here's the video:
Then there was McCain's refusal to correct a supporter who clearly answered the candidate's question — "Who is the real Barack Obama?" — by angrily shouting "A terrorist!" Here's that video:
And moving into chunks-welling-up-in-your-throat territory, Palin's wacko accusation that Obama's political career was launched by "domestic terrorist" Bill Ayres prompted one man in the audience to shout "Kill him!," according to the Washington Post. The Secret Service is now looking into that doozy.
Is this how John McCain wants to inspire Americans and solve the litany of grave problems we face? Mudslinging is one thing, and to some extent an expected part of the dirty game that is politics. But tolerating such hateful, violent comments and behavior is beyond unacceptable. It's sad and shameful, but also dangerous. Every citizen with a brain and a heart should punish this conduct with extreme prejudice.
Will John McCain and Sarah Palin be happy if someone hurts Obama? Is that their idea of patriotism? They should ask themselves those questions and think very hard about the answers, for their latest round of smears is clearly inciting that type of feeling in some supporters, and they are doing nothing to stop it from tragically spinning out of control.
I was amongst some other citizen types the other day and the election came up in conversation.
All present were white males and this gave made it okay I guess for one guy to chime in that if Obama is somehow elected, then some southern boy is going to make sure that he isn't President for long.
I worry as well, but not so much for Obama, but for our country. When is this bull shit ever going to end? When are we going to rise above all of this?
This brings me to another point. I've been thinking that our electoral process needs to be fixed. How about we assign electoral votes to states based upon a formula that is tied to scholastic performance? Why not? Maybe that would help shore up the IQ gap between those in blue states and those in red states.
I hate politics!!!
I heard Chris Matthews use the term "low- information voter" this morning in reference to those who will be swayed by this or any racist...or shall I say cultural attack.
Obviously that term refers to voters who decide based on some other set of criteria other than information on policies and positions. It is of course what elected Bush.
Then he added, with no venom, that Sarah Palin is also a person in the category of a low -information voter. Ironic a candidate would be that, but this is our world.
She IS the BUBBA vote personified. John picked her and while I have consistently become more and more unimpressed with him since 2000, I am still saddened that this one-time " independent thinker" has gone there. Shame on you John...Sarah was not expected to know any better but I think most people hoped for more from you!
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